Welcome to TNF Soundings, the Talking News Federation’s Audio Resource Service.
Who we are and what we do
TNF Soundings is a service provided by the Talking News Federation (TNF), a charity which is the umbrella organisation for the majority of the UK’s Talking Newspapers and Talking Magazines.
We produce free, high quality audio articles for use by local Talking Newspapers and Magazines as well as Hospital and Community Radio Stations. Individuals and other charitable organisations may also listen directly.
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TNF Soundings is run entirely by volunteers. We have a team of volunteer contributors and editors across the UK who aim to produce interesting and useful audio articles and entertainment for people living with sight loss and people with other disabilities which make reading difficult.
Our content is free to hear, download and broadcast as long as broadcasters use individual articles in full without editing. Please read our terms and conditions before broadcasting our content.
As a non-commercial organisation, all our TNF Soundings articles are designed to be fair, impartial, apolitical and objective.
Support Us
TNF Soundings is run by volunteers as part of the Talking News Federation charity.
If you would like to be part of the team delivering content, see the volunteer page.
If you would like to support our work through a charitable donation, you are interested in the wider work of TNF or you or your local talking newspaper wish to become a member of TNF please contact the TNF office by email at enquiries@tnf.org.uk or call us on 01793 497555.
Our Background
The Talking News Federation has been supporting local Talking Newspapers and Magazines since 2005, when it took over from the Talking Newspaper Association of the United Kingdom (TNAUK).
TNF Soundings was launched as part of TNF in 2020, after TNF was asked to take over direct delivery of audio information from a charity called Infosound.
TNF Soundings fits well with the wider TNF role, which is:
- To provide information, guidance and help to Talking Newspapers across the UK.
- To help Talking Newspapers provide a comprehensive local news service to blind and partially sighted people.
- To provide people with information and contact details.
- To campaign at a national level on related issues on behalf of local Talking Newspapers.
Visit the main TNF website to find our more about other TNF support, its trustees and its history.