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Today we are excited to launch the TNF Soundings Bundles Service. A new way to combine TNF Soundings articles into a single package without repeated opening and closing jingles.

Since TNF Soundings first launched one consistent piece of feedback we’ve heard is that when two or more TNF Soundings articles are placed together the repeated jingles become a little too much for some listeners. In June this year we launched guidance on how to solve this problem manually, but some people found this rather complex.

We hope that the Bundles Service now offers an approachable way for everyone to achieve the same results with or without a sound engineer.

There are two types of bundles available:

Regular Bundles, generated by us, and Bespoke Bundles, which you may generate to order from any of our live content. Regular bundles are available immediately whereas bespoke ones take around an hour to be delivered.

You can find full details of bundles in the Content section of the website, or by going straight to the Bundles page.

For those who wish still to create their own, we have now provided more detailed instructions on how to do this at the bottom of the Bundles page along with the “interstitial sting” which we use to draw a line between articles.

We hope you and your listeners enjoy Bundles.

TNF Soundings Team.


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