TNF Soundings has, over the last 12 months or so, grown from a nothing but an idea to a service which is now well loved and well used by many TNs across the country. In July 2021, for example, we saw at least 755 articles downloaded for use from the Soundings website.
After a turbulent, difficult but very exciting first year, the current Editor-In-Chief of TNF Soundings has decided that the time has come for her to step aside from the build-up process and let someone else carry it forward as a running service.
The job has become too large for just one volunteer and so we are seeking to recruit a small team of people to ensure TNF Soundings can continue in a sustainable way into the future.
To do this we need your help!
We have created a vacancies page on the TNF website ( and we would invite you all to consider whether or not you may be able to help the continued delivery of TNF Soundings.
We appreciate that those on this list are perhaps the busiest people in any TN and that as such you may not feel that you have the time to give personally. If that is the case, we would ask just one small favour – that you share this email and the link with everyone in your TN and, if you use social media that you would take just a few minutes to click the “sharing” buttons on that page, or on specific vacancies, to spread the word as far as possible. Who knows, a friend of a friend may be looking for a new challenge right now.
Without finding at least some of these volunteers it is possible that we will not be able to sustain TNF Soundings beyond the end of the year and that would a great shame, not only for the volunteers who have worked so hard to build it up, but also for the many TNs that use the service and ultimately for the listeners of those TNs.
So please, pop along to – apply if you can and share if you can’t.
Kind Regards,
TNF Soundings Team.